Install yuniql CLI

Install yuniql CLI from various distribution channels for Windows and Linux. Use Chocolatey, dotnet global tool, powershell, nuget packages or download directly.

Download yuniql.exe directly from GitHub

Download zipped paclage containing yuniql.exe file and extract to your workspace directory.

Install with choco package (windows-x64)

Downloads latest yuniql CLI with Chocolatey package manager. See further instructions here Run these commands under Administrator mode.

choco install yuniql -y
yuniql version

Install with tar.gz package (linux-x64)

Install yuniql CLI on Linux. The package has been verified on Ubuntu 18.04+ and Debian on Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL). If you encounter this Error: Couldn't find a valid ICU package installed on the system, set global invariant variable export DOTNET_SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_INVARIANT=1.

cd /home
sudo curl -L -o yuniql.tar.gz
sudo tar -xvzf yuniql.tar.gz -C /bin

cd /bin
sudo chmod +x yuniql

yuniql version

Install with .NET Core Global Tool

Installs latest yuniql CLI with .NET Core Global Tool. Requires .NET Core 3.0 SDK installed. See SDK here

dotnet tool install -g yuniql.cli
yuniql version

Install with Powershell and PATH

Downloads latest yuniql CLI and append into PATH environment variable.

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile  "c:\temp\"
Expand-Archive "c:\temp\" -DestinationPath "c:\temp\yuniql-cli"
$Env:Path += ";c:\temp\yuniql-cli"

yuniql version

Install on ASP.NET Core project

Use this for .NET Core WebApp and Worker App. Works only for .NET Core 3.0 and later. See how-to guide here

dotnet add package Yuniql.AspNetCore

Install on any .NET Core project

Use this for .NET Core Console App. Also usable for WebApp and Worker App but we recommend Yuniql.AspNetCore for that. Works only for .NET Core 3.0 and later. See how-to guide here

dotnet add package Yuniql.Core

Install Azure DevOps Extensions

Use this for running migration from YAML and classic pipelines. You can acquire free extensions from Azure Marketplace and install into your Azure DevOps organization

Install with Docker

Use yuniql Docker base image to build and run your migration from a container. See instructions here migrate via Docker Container. You can can visit yuniql on Docker Hub

docker pull yuniql/yuniql:latest
docker pull yuniql/yuniql:linux-x64-latest

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